Totara Learn Open Discussions

Adding a hiperlink to an image on the home page

Adding a hiperlink to an image on the home page
?? 发表于 2018年10月4日 Thursday 03:50


I am looking at updating our business totara home page and I wanted to add some hyperlink boxed on top on the background image. Does any one know what the code for this is or how to best approach it?

Thanks in advance


Re: Adding a hiperlink to an image on the home page
?? 发表于 2018年10月11日 Thursday 08:04

Hi Marta,

Just to confirm, are you looking at a Totara Social or a Totara Learn site?  There is information about updating the look and feel of a Totara Learn site here in the Dashboards and Basic Theming course. It'd be best to start there and get some context around how site design works.


Re: Adding a hiperlink to an image on the home page
?? 发表于 2018年10月15日 Monday 00:13

Hi Wesley,

Thank you for your reply.

I am looking at the live Totara 11 site. I have looked at the Dashboards and Basic Theming course, however, I didn't find what I was looking for on there. All of the basics listed in the course I know how to change. I am looking at adding a hyperlinked box on top of the background picture which I cant seem to find any guide on.

Thank you for your help in advance.

Its me Rahul
Re: Adding a hiperlink to an image on the home page
KumarRahul 发表于 2018年12月19日 Wednesday 03:51

Hi Marta, 

You can add a html block and set up image with hyper link or used feature link block