Totara Learn Open Discussions

Importing Competency Framework

Rob Davenport
Importing Competency Framework
by Rob Davenport - Monday, 15 October 2018, 5:06 PM


We have a Competency framework setup in a test environment, and are ready to move to a live site. I can Export the framework - but how can we import it into the Live site?

Thanks, Rob.

Craig Eves
Re: Importing Competency Framework
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 15 October 2018, 5:58 PM
Group Totara

Hi Rob

This month's release of Totara 12 includes the ability to use  HR Import to import competency frameworks.


Rob Davenport
Re: Importing Competency Framework
by Rob Davenport - Monday, 15 October 2018, 9:55 PM

Thanks Craig,

I look forward to using it in Totara 12 then.

Cheers, Rob.