Best practice forum (Archived)
Hi, LU
It really depends on your requirements, the size of the implementation, etc., as to what order you decide to do things, as a lot of our Partners can likely advise.
As a first port of call, I would recommend you take a look at our System Implementation documentation for some starting guidance.
Normally implementation is broken down into phases e.g. there may be design work (theming) which needs to take place first and content might need to be created prior to any users being imported or assigned to any learning, and so on. Depending on how and where the site is hosted, there may be further requirements to look at prior to launching, for example how will users access the system, where will they be accessing it from, what authentication methods are required (self-registration, single sign on, etc.) and what roles are required (trainers, site administrators, managers)?
In my opinion all steps you take are crucial to a smooth implementation. It would be worth having a chat with some of our Partners to see if they might be able to advise in your scenario. Another thing to look at would be the Totara Academy resources and our website resource guides.
I hope you find the above useful.
Tom, Totara Support