Best practice forum (Archived)

Flash apocalypse (seriously) it’s a thing that’ll hurt mature sites in mid-2019

Austen Sinclair
Re: Flash apocalypse (seriously) it’s a thing that’ll hurt mature sites in mid-2019
di Austen Sinclair - Thursday, 17 January 2019, 14:10
Gruppo PartnersGruppo TXP Site AdministratorGruppo V18 Program Complete


The end of Flash is only five months away. We have launched a Flash Apocalypse 'movie poster' (attached). It's supported by a web page and blog posts to assist Moodle & Totara managers determine if they are impacted by the EoL of Flash support in browsers and how to manage a Flash infestation. 

Flash apocalypse poster - small version for social media

So far most of our larger clients have installed the report and found on average close to a quarter of their live courses are dependent on Flash. This would have been a disaster (apocalypse?) if they only discovered this in June when their users started logging support calls for broken modules. 

Please spread the word!  
