Best practice forum (Archived)

Audience Description column for New Audience file

? ?
Audience Description column for New Audience file
par ? ?, Thursday 13 December 2018, 10:26

Hello Everyone.

i am creating a CSV file to upload audiences and everything works as it should except for the description field, my file looks like this 


According to the online docs, description should head the column for a "Summary description" of the course and yet when i add it everything comes through except for the information in this column.    what am i doing incorrect?

thank you in advance


Peter Pappas
Re: Audience Description column for New Audience file
par Peter Pappas, Friday 14 December 2018, 01:31

Hi Christina,

This looks like you might be uploading users to an audience (cohort) versus uploading new audiences?

Description is an optional field while uploading audiences but not for adding users to an audience via upload users.

Uploading users field options are username,password,firstname,lastname,email,course1,group1,cohort1

depending on your Totara Version upload audiences via the following:

Audiences may be uploaded via text file. The format of the file should be as follows:

  • Each line of the file contains one record.
  • Each record is a series of data separated by commas (or other delimiters).
  • The first record contains a list of field names defining the format of the rest of the file.
  • Required field name is name.
  • Optional field names are idnumber, description, descriptionformat, context, category, category_id, category_idnumber, category_path.


? ?
Re: Audience Description column for New Audience file
par ? ?, Friday 14 December 2018, 10:53

thank you for the reply Peter!   Now i get it.