Totara Learn Open Discussions

Roles at category level

Carla Bradley
Roles at category level
di Carla Bradley - Thursday, 13 December 2018, 11:05

I need some help understanding roles at the category level.

Based on what I read here:

I was trying to assign ALL potential trainers the trainer role at the category level. Then, when our users go to a course and add events, they should see all those trainers as options for the Event Role for each event, right?

However, it doesn't seem to work this way. When I assign the trainers for the categories, I they don't appear in the list under Event Role, but once I manually enroll them in the individual courses, they do.

Can you help me understand how it's supposed to work? As always, thanks :)

Craig Eves
Re: Roles at category level
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 13 December 2018, 15:02
Gruppo Totara

Hi Carla

This is the way this is supposed to work - assigning at category level for the trainer should mean that the trainer doesn't need to enrol in the course to appear in the Event role.

Can you check you are in the right category when viewing the course and that under Site admin > Seminars > Global settings has the Event role of Trainer ticked.

Let me know what you find.


Carla Bradley
Re: Roles at category level
di Carla Bradley - Friday, 14 December 2018, 06:22

Sorry Craig, I promise I tried to post after I double-checked those things, but sure enough, I was wrong about the category.

Thanks :) :)