Best practice forum (Archived)

Program Messaging question

? ?
Program Messaging question
par ? ?, Wednesday 16 January 2019, 12:36

Hello.   this is admittedly a dumb question BUT---i have a program that was set to be available for 1 month June-July 2018.    Several users did not complete it and now i am being asked to Re open the program on Feb 1-May 1 2019 and resend messaging to those users.    My question is:  i know to change the Available from & To dates to Feb -May 2019 but when i go to Add a PROGRAM OVERDUE MESSAGE to the enrolled users, what would the Trigger X days be?   

thank you in advance for any help on this


Re: Program Messaging question
par George Angus, Wednesday 16 January 2019, 19:21
Groupe Totara

Hi Christina,

Did the original Program overdue messages go out to the Learners who didn't complete the program? 

I think one way to do this would be to unassign the users who didnt complete the program and then re-assign, with the new notifications. I haven't tested, but it would be worthwhile trying out with a dummy user.

