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SCORM Package uploads but course failing to save - Totara Solution Partner stumped

Steve Blackwell
SCORM Package uploads but course failing to save - Totara Solution Partner stumped
di Steve Blackwell - Friday, 18 January 2019, 08:00

Hi there,

Can anyone technical (from Totara maybe?) help with this question?

I am an author of eLearning and attempting to upload an amended IT Software Simulation course to our Totara LMS but am unable to save the course once I have uploaded the SCORM package.

It fails to load with an HTTP 500 error with IE stating most likely cause: website is under maintenance or has a programming error.

The course is within an Articulate Studio '13 shell with launchable Captivate 9 Software Simulations and no assessment.

It uploads in its entirety and plays no problem on SCORM Cloud.

This has been going back and forth with our Totara Solution Partner with me trying the original course and failing to get that to even work. When I found out that certain other courses I have produced in the past uploaded fine, I thought it was an element of my amended course.

I have spent the whole day today uploading different variations of the course as follows:

  • No simulations, just the Articulate shell of the course
  • 1 simulation within Articulate
  • 2 simulations within Articulate up to 7 simulations, either in the format 1,2,3,4,5,6, 8 or 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

However, the moment I include the 8th simulation in Articulate then publish and upload the SCORM, I get that HTTP 500 error.

The course is well under the max file size of 500MB (about 170MB unzipped and zipped, the SCORM package is 70MB).

I wonder whether it relates to the number of files within each course?

I think it might do.  The 1-7 simulations is 1060 files, the 1-6 & 8 simulations is 1051 files whereas the 1-8 files pushes over to 1,190 files.

I have just tried to upload the SCORM of our largest course and save the course, which is currently running perfectly well elsewhere on the platform which consists of 1,988 files and this also fails!

I suspect our new partner has placed a limit somehow on our platform but have no way of knowing.

Please help.

Tom Ireland
Re: SCORM Package uploads but course failing to save - Totara Solution Partner stumped
di Tom Ireland - Monday, 21 January 2019, 00:31
Gruppo Totara

Hi, Steve

It is difficult to say what the issue could be without further investigation. Please can you ask your Partner to create a support ticket with the Totara Support team referencing this post, including any other details which might be useful from previous discussions with your Partner about this issue.


Tom, Totara Support