Totara Learn Open Discussions

Mark completion by others - Totara 10

? ?
Mark completion by others - Totara 10
von ? ? – Tuesday, 5 February 2019, 6:48 AM

Hi, I am trying to set a course up to be marked complete by others (Site Managers) - once I select that, I am not sure where to go to mark as complete. Is that only done in Completion Editor? Or is there somewhere else you can mark as complete?

This course is the only course in a program, and when I mark the course as complete in Completion Editor, it is not updating the progress of the program to complete.

I have searched all the documentation - it shows how to set up "marked as complete by others" but not where to actually mark it as complete.


Craig Eves
Re: Mark completion by others - Totara 10
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Sunday, 10 February 2019, 5:27 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Jen

When you go into the course page and you have got the setting for the activity completion 'Learners can manually mark the activity as complete'  then there should be a square box next to the activity that can be ticked to mark the activity as complete.



Alex Carrick
Re: Mark completion by others - Totara 10
von Alex Carrick – Tuesday, 12 March 2019, 7:49 AM
Gruppe Partners

Hey Jen - I was looking for a similar answer (having a site admin mark courses as complete at the program level, since users would not be enrolled at the course level) and realized you might still be looking for an answer:

Assuming a user has the role you selected (site manager), they would be able to go into the Course Completion Report and see the check box to "give" their approval (I was testing with a role called 'AC Completion test'):