Best practice forum (Archived)

Is there a way to get a weekly digest of forum posts?

Tina Griffin
Is there a way to get a weekly digest of forum posts?
بواسطة Tuesday, 12 February 2019, 12:34 PM - Tina Griffin

Hi community team - I realise I wasn't subscribed to the right community areas and have now! I see the digest area - but this still sends daily digests. Is there any way to get a weekly (on the day of my choosing)? Realistically I want to review posts once a week. 

Also - if you can improve the format of the digest (to more of a contemporary mail out). 

Wesley Holden
Re: Is there a way to get a weekly digest of forum posts?
بواسطة Friday, 15 February 2019, 1:19 PM - Wesley Holden

Hi Tina,

Thanks for the feedback! You can change to a daily digest, but there is not a weekly digest option. To do so, click on your name in the upper right corner, then go to Preferences and Forum Preferences.

