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Editing live appraisals

Levoca Kosice
Editing live appraisals
par Levoca Kosice, Tuesday 19 March 2019, 02:27


does anyone know any way you can edit an appraisal that is already live? I think this option does not exist, but if there is a hack out there, I would be much obliged. 

Thank you  :) 

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Levoca Kosice
Re: Editing live appraisals
par Levoca Kosice, Thursday 21 March 2019, 05:12

Hi Mike,

thank you for the reply. Opening previously locked stages, do you plan to allow opening the stage for a specific user or all users? My second question is more linked to the messages. I would like to be able to edit the emails even after going live, if an error is identified. Would that be in the pipeline?

Regarding your questions:

  • Q:When would you need to make changes? (point in time and the trigger)
  • A: Not sure about the question here, could you please rephrase?
  • Q: What would the changes be?
  • A: editing the form. I was primarily after changing the messages too initially.
  • Q: Who could make the changes?
  • A: I think System Admin should be the only one.
  • Q: What would you expect the impact to be for users who may have already participated in the Appraisal?
  • A: the way I see it is mainly correcting some minor text in the form, possibly updating the messages
  • Q: What sort of tracking of changes would you expect?
  • A: Tracking could be nice, possibly for the logs only. 
  • Q: Would you want to restrict what could be changed?
  • A: Ideally not, because it is hard to anticipate what would need to be changed, but at least the messages should be editable (similar to audiences in appraisals).