Totara Learn Open Discussions

Workflow after RPL

Joe Lillian
Workflow after RPL
door Joe Lillian - Monday, 1 April 2019, 09:35 AM

What is the suggested course workflow after completion via RPL?   

Uploading a completion record for an existing course will create an RPL for that user/course.

So for that course, the user is "Complete via rpl".   

The user can navigate to the course page, but participation in some of the activities seems odd:

    The required SCORM activity is not completed.

    The user can enter feedback but the current feedback activity is for the current course/instructor.

    Get a certificate (not sure if the dates on the certificate will make sense).

IDK,  seems strange to me.



Craig Eves
Re: Workflow after RPL
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 1 April 2019, 19:19 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Joe

That is correct the upload course completions adds a course completion record for the users with course completion by RPL . 

The course completion doesn't add a record for the activity completion - RPL means that they have achieved the same outcomes as the course it doesn't mean they have completed the course activities.

The completion date for the course is the date that is included in the upload file - this will show in the record of Learning. The date for the Certificate can be set to the Course Completion date. 

The Certificate also has a field Print trainer name - to change this to the trainer you want then select the certificate and add the trainer as a locally assigned role. You can also add a locally assigned role to the feedback activity of the past trainer.
