Best practice forum (Archived)

Monthly release of courses within a program

Stephen Catton
Monthly release of courses within a program
על ידי Stephen Catton בתאריך 4/04/2019, 07:42

Hello folks

We have set up courses within a program and users being enrolled via dynamic audiences.

We would like to be able to have the 1st course available from day one and every other course only available from a month onwards. this would need to be relative to the start date, which of course will be variable for each user.

I don't seem to be able to do this unless i am miss reading the Minumum Time Required setting

Any help would be much appreciated

Kind regards


Daniel Bond
Re: Monthly release of courses within a program
על ידי Daniel Bond בתאריך 4/04/2019, 08:25
קבוצה Helpful contributor 2024קבוצה Most helpful contributor 2023

Not sure you could do it within one program, but have you considered the following:

  • program one contains the first course. Enrol via dynamic audience as now.
  • program two contains the other courses. Create a dynamic audience, the criteria for which is "completed program one more than 1 month ago". Assign staff to program two based on that new dynamic audience.

Not quite as neat, but provides a workaround to ensure only staff who have completed the first course at least a month ago can access the rest of the courses.

Alex Carrick
Re: Monthly release of courses within a program
על ידי Alex Carrick בתאריך 5/04/2019, 05:12
קבוצה Partners
I was thinking along the same lines as Dan.  Does anyone know if it's possible to have a course be within a program but have the program enrollment turned off? 

If so - you could have all courses in the same program and build similar audiences based on course completion/enrollment that would enroll users into the courses through Audience Sync but still be accessed through the Program page.

A similar but slightly different solution if you didn't need the actual program page/notifications would be to create a Dashboard with Featured Links blocks that only appear to audiences after a certain date (similar to Totara Academy)
Stephen Catton
Re: Monthly release of courses within a program
על ידי Stephen Catton בתאריך 5/04/2019, 12:17

Hello Dan

Thanks for your advice. We provide courses to the car repair and insurance industry and host them on our Totara. We want to create a program of courses that we connect to it as a result of a skills check. This could be up to 12 courses

We will use audiences to enrol learners

What we want is for each course to become available one month after finishing the previous one

Daniel Bond
Re: Monthly release of courses within a program
על ידי Daniel Bond בתאריך 8/04/2019, 00:38
קבוצה Helpful contributor 2024קבוצה Most helpful contributor 2023

Ah, in which case I'm not sure my suggestion will solve the problem. Am I to understand that each user's selection of courses will be defined by the outcome of their skills check? If so, not sure I can think of a good solution within the current capabilities of Totara because you wouldn't be able to create dynamic audience rules if you didn't know which course precedes another one.

You are right that it would be useful to have an option to set the stages of a program to only "release" based on criteria (time since previous stage completed, etc.) although I'm still not sure that would solve this either. As far as I can see, there would need to be millions of different programs created to cater for every outcome of the skills check assuming all of the course are in one program, so not sure how you'd make programs work.

Stephen Catton
Re: Monthly release of courses within a program
על ידי Stephen Catton בתאריך 8/04/2019, 07:36

At the moment there is no requirement to apply the results from the skills check to individuals but rather to the audience of up to 120 learners. An Average Learning Plan if you will, not an ILP. :-) 

Also, i am not expecting the audience to be automatically assigned to the program from the skills scan results. I would expect that to be done manually and the modules to be added to the program manually. We would then like for the audience to work their way through at a module a month.

The program provides much better messaging (albeit just text) than just using a course or collection of courses. Provides consistent high-level reporting to their line manager.
