Totara Learn Open Discussions

Viewing other users but not being able to make amendments

? ?
Re: Viewing other users but not being able to make amendments
von ? ? – Saturday, 11 May 2019, 10:10 AM

HI Kevin,

You'll want to have a look at the course and info on defining roles in help. My advice is to copy an existing role that is similar and start stripping away permissions they don't need. OR if you want to make this a standalone role, start it off from scratch and then add the capabilities in that you need. Create a test account, assign that role to it, and see if it does the things you need. User management is a bit tricky for defining roles as there is a bit of all or nothing permissions when it comes to the capabilities. But you should see specific ones for being able to view user profiles, view course reports, etc. 

I recommend chatting with your Totara Partner to get the role exactly as you want it - they'll have better insight to your site needs than we do.
