Totara Learn Open Discussions

Help Needed - Upload Completion Records

Phil Page
Help Needed - Upload Completion Records
بواسطة Thursday, 16 May 2019, 9:07 AM - Phil Page


New to the forum and quite new to Totara! I am trying to upload some course completions due to learners previously completing content in a different LMS. The records seem to upload successfully but their "completion status" doesn't seem to change. 

Probably something easy and basic I am not doing, but can't seem to work out why...

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Craig Eves
Re: Help Needed - Upload Completion Records
بواسطة Sunday, 9 June 2019, 6:50 PM - Craig Eves (Totara Support)
مجموعة Totara

Hi Phil

Welcome to the Totara forums - sorry for the delay in responding

When you upload course completions  the course needs to exist before you can upload the completion. If the course doesn't exist then this will be added as evidence rather than to a course. The user also needs to exist and the cousre and usernames match the data.

There is a course import report that will show any problems with the data.

You can upload multiple courses for the courses that you want to bring over.

If everything still looks alright then please provide a few more details on the file that was uploaded.
