Best practice forum (Archived)

Can we talk about strategies for Dashboards?

? ?
Can we talk about strategies for Dashboards?
von ? ? – Monday, 3 June 2019, 12:25 PM

As you all know, Dashboards can be customized by users; but last week when i had to push out an update to LinkedIn Learning (we have a portal on our dashboard)   i had to "Reset the Dashboard for all users"  this of course erased everyone's personalized content and they were none too happy. 

how do you handle this type of situation so as to not erase users personalized content?   Any workarounds that are not readily apparent?   Im always looking for case studies to see how our community is using Totara in different ways so we can learn from each other.

thank you in advance.


Alex Carrick
Re: Can we talk about strategies for Dashboards?
von Alex Carrick – Tuesday, 4 June 2019, 11:15 AM
Gruppe Partners
As a general rule I recommend locking dashboards.  As an admin, more than once I've made changes to dashboards expecting users to see the changes only to realize later that I was customizing my own dashboard instead of making global changes. 

Depending on your dashboard set up you could create a separate "user-specific" dashboard that can be customized and then locking organization-specific dashboards
? ?
Re: Can we talk about strategies for Dashboards?
von ? ? – Tuesday, 4 June 2019, 1:22 PM

Hi Alex

thank you so much for the suggestion.  i honestly have not attempted to use multiple dashboards at the same time (mainly because we set our users landing page to the dashboard)   but im going to play around with that suggestion. 

=)  Christina