Totara Learn Open Discussions

Links in Seminar Notifications

Links in Seminar Notifications
BradleyCarla 发表于 2019年07月5日 Friday 10:49
In the seminar notificaitons, is there a way to create a link to the course? The rooms are linked, and I tried to copy the syntax to create a link for the course, but that didn't work!

Participant: [firstname] [lastname]
Course: [coursename][coursename:link]
Seminar: [facetofacename]

Date(s) and location(s):
[session:startdate], [session:starttime] - [session:finishdate], [session:finishtime] [session:timezone]

Re: Links in Seminar Notifications
?? 发表于 2019年07月10日 Wednesday 10:54

Hi Carla!

We've had a look and there is a feature request in for course URLs to be added to the variables, but it isn't in the software yet. In the meantime, you could go into the seminar activity-level template and add the URL for the course there, but it would be the copy and pasted link and require being done for each course and notification template separately.


Re: Links in Seminar Notifications
BradleyCarla 发表于 2019年07月10日 Wednesday 11:29

Ok. I think in this case it would be best to link to the dashboard, and instruct them that they can access the course through current learning...this way I can use the same generic text, at least.
