Totara Learn Open Discussions

Upload Multiple Courses

John Wiles
Upload Multiple Courses
par John Wiles, Thursday 11 July 2019, 06:34


I'm running into an issue with the import of multiple courses into Totara v11.  

Our CSV is a pretty simple one with only the following fields defined, and test values:


Custom fields are imported later through external sql queries.

For the most part, the upload goes as expected. However, there are two fields that refuse to take the values specified. They are coursetype and audiencevisible.  They are set to 0, and 2 respectively.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


John Wiles
Re: Upload Multiple Courses
par John Wiles, Friday 12 July 2019, 07:26

Apparently this was addressed in multiple updates to Totara v11 ranging from 11.5 through 11.8 or so.  Unfortunately we're on 11.2.  My solution to work around this without patching was to modify my internal Java code so that it would generate an import csv and a separate csv file that contained the course id number, custom fields, audience visible and course type values.

Once the import of the courses are complete, I then parse that extra csv file and generate the SQL statements necessary to insert the custom field records, and update the courses with their correct course type and audience visible settings. 

It would be nice if the documentation could be updated in such a way that will note if there are specific versions that fields would not update in, or if a released patch changed the way a field worked.


Craig Eves
Re: Upload Multiple Courses
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Sunday 14 July 2019, 21:19
Groupe Totara

Hi John

I have created a ticket to get the documentation updated - are these the only two course information fields that don't work?



John Wiles
Re: Upload Multiple Courses
par John Wiles, Monday 15 July 2019, 05:50

Yes, those were the only two fields I tried to use that didn't work.


Craig Eves
Re: Upload Multiple Courses
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Monday 15 July 2019, 16:35
Groupe Totara

Thanks for confirming this - the documentation has been updated and is ready for publishing to the help site.