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Uploading User CSV with cohort1 (Audience ID) field

Max Waluk
Uploading User CSV with cohort1 (Audience ID) field
by Max Waluk - Thursday, 18 July 2019, 12:23 PM

I have a large number of users that will need to be added to a set audience and I want to do this using the HR import functionality if possible. The help files for Totara 11 indicate:


You can use the chort field to add audiences. This optional field takes the format; cohort1

Internal audience ID numbers or non-numeric audience IDs of existing audiences must be used; names are not allowed.

I added this field name to my usual user CSV file, used the audience ID of the audience in that user's row, uploaded it, and ran the import. It successfully created the user, but it did not add the user to the audience as expected. I have tried the field name "cohort1" as well as just "cohort" and the result is the same. I have looked at the User - CSV Source Settings, but I do not see cohort listed on that page. 

I am unsure where I went wrong here, but if anyone knows how to make this work I would greatly appreciate the help!

I have included images of the test CSV file and the audience information for reference

Max Waluk
Re: Uploading User CSV with cohort1 (Audience ID) field
by Max Waluk - Thursday, 18 July 2019, 12:30 PM

I see now that this option does work when using the "User Upload" but not HR import. Unfortunately that is not ideal because I will be including a Job CSV along with the User file. So my new question is: can I add users to an audience using HR import at all, and if so how?

Craig Eves
Re: Uploading User CSV with cohort1 (Audience ID) field
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 18 July 2019, 7:37 PM
Group Totara

Hi Max

It isn't possible to directly add a user to a set audience using HR Import.

However if you create a custom profile field that holds the audience name and use HR Import to add the audience name values to the user into customfield_[shortname of audience name field]

Then create a dynamic audience that has a rule that the custom field = 'audience field value' then all these user will be added to this audience.
