Totara Learn Open Discussions

Featured Link Block "Feature"

Tom Gillespie
Featured Link Block "Feature"
di Tom Gillespie - Monday, 5 August 2019, 19:00
Gruppo Learn Site AdministratorGruppo Partners

As part of the Site Administrator program you are given access to a particular dashboard that shows your courses in a Featured Links block. When you complete each course the Featured Link block image changes, see my image attached. 

Is this a current Totara feature or something additional that the Totara site is currently running?

Craig Eves
Re: Featured Link Block "Feature"
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 5 August 2019, 20:24
Gruppo Totara

Hi Tom

I think this might just be a Featured Link block that is a gallery tile with images that are set to change at a set  interval rather than being connected to course completion.


Jordan Ash
Re: Featured Link Block "Feature"
di Jordan Ash - Tuesday, 6 August 2019, 01:29
Gruppo TotaraGruppo TXP Site Administrator

Hi Tom,

When these were first made we had two versions of each tile. The first was the non completed tile with a restriction set to only show for an audience who had not completed the course. The second was the completed tile with a restriction which meant it was only visible to an audience of users who have completed the course.

In our more recent programs we now use a course tile with 'Show progress' enabled. This achieves a similar result but is much easier to set up.

Tom Gillespie
Re: Featured Link Block "Feature"
di Tom Gillespie - Thursday, 8 August 2019, 18:07
Gruppo Learn Site AdministratorGruppo Partners

Very clever, thank you for your feedback. I do enjoy these clever little ways of enhancing the experience for the learner in a much more visual way.

For some clients the progress bar just is not the look they are after.