Totara Learn Open Discussions

Cancelling Events retrospectively

? ?
Cancelling Events retrospectively
par ? ?, Thursday 15 August 2019, 01:40

Hi there,

I had a seminar event set up for yesterday with people booked on, however due to unforeseen circumstances it had to be cancelled. The cancellation icon has disappeared as the event had passed.

Is there a way I can still cancel it, without deleting it altogether?

Craig Eves
Re: Cancelling Events retrospectively
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Thursday 15 August 2019, 18:14
Groupe Totara

Hi Imran

I tried this out and that's is right - when an event status goes to the status of 'Event over' the cancel icon disappears

If you change the time of the event to a time in the future then the cancellation icon will show. Users can be notified with the Seminar event cancellation that can be modified to explain what is going on.
