Totara Learn Open Discussions

New plugin for visual learning pathways!

New plugin for visual learning pathways!
JonesNana 发表于 2019年08月20日 Tuesday 13:26

For those of you who attended the Wellington User Conference you may have seen my presentation with Jeanette Sasse on how Kiwibank have implemented a visual learning pathway to increase learner engagement. Well...with the talented team at Synapsys, Kiwibank have now released a plugin to the public!

The plugin allows customisation of how each activity/linked course displays completion and provides an alternative grid layout for your course page. Please note that it has been developed for Totara v2.9.40 so you may need to tweek it slightly for your LMS :)

The source code is freely available from:

# Public Repository:
# Releases:

Re: New plugin for visual learning pathways!
HallSimon 发表于 2019年08月20日 Tuesday 17:07

Thanks Nana. This looks interesting. Are you able to provide your presentation or any other details so we can see how it is designed to work (sorry, I did not get to the conference).

Cheers, Simon

Re: New plugin for visual learning pathways!
Griffith-BoyesRachel 发表于 2019年08月21日 Wednesday 00:51
小组 Totara

Hi Simon,

You can find all of the presentations from the user conference here on the Community :-)



Re: New plugin for visual learning pathways!
JonesNana 发表于 2019年08月21日 Wednesday 19:48

The presentation is mostly visual so feel free to ask me any questions if you want more detail :)