Totara Learn Open Discussions

Adding a site wide ‘help’ page - best practice

? ?
Adding a site wide ‘help’ page - best practice
door ? ? - Saturday, 7 September 2019, 22:38 PM

Hi, we are looking into adding a help/faq page to our totara learn 9 to support learners and reduce email queries. 

To start we would want to create a single page with a list of questions and answers. This would be accessed by adding a “help” option in the main menu.

Does anyone have any advice and the best way to setup a web page in totara to do this or have any suggestion on best approach.


Neil Hellewell
Re: Adding a site wide ‘help’ page - best practice
door Neil Hellewell - Sunday, 8 September 2019, 12:59 PM

Hi Lee

We have kept things pretty simple and have a Help link in the main menu - which links to a Totara Glossary. Seems to work pretty well when people actually look at it :-)

ma te wa

Canterbury DHB