Totara Learn Open Discussions

Annual CE Credit Requirements > Certification

Alex Carrick
Annual CE Credit Requirements > Certification
de Alex Carrick - Tuesday, 10 de September de 2019, 07:31
Grupo Partners

Good Morning All!

Been working on this use case for a while and while I'm close I feel like it's not quite there yet.  Hoping you all might be able to help.

I'm trying to manage an annual CE credit requirement using Certifications:

  • Course custom field for 'CE credits'
  • Certification w/ 1 course set > user must complete some courses > Course score field = 'CE Credits'
  • Re-certification is the same set/completion criteria

Now we could create a program each year - but that would require creating new versions of courses each year, which is a big pain.  That's why I'm trying to get my certification to act the following way:
  • Certification has a static due date of 12/31 for all users no matter assignment date
  • When users meet their X credits they are considered complete/certified
  • Regardless of completion criteria, on 1/1 all users need to re-certify
Is there a way I can get my Certification to function this way?  Or am I missing another way to manage this?
Craig Eves
Re: Annual CE Credit Requirements > Certification
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 10 de September de 2019, 16:18
Grupo Totara

Hi Alex

I am not sure what settings you have tried but based on your requirements you should try the following

In the Certification Assignments tab set the due date as fixed completion date of 31/12/2019 for all users (this can be done easily if users are assigned by audience)

In the Certification tab choose fixed expiry date - this will be the due date as set above

  • Use fixed expiry date: This option causes the expiry time to be calculated based on the specified assignment due date (if available, otherwise the first completion date), and subsequent completion expiry dates will be calculated using that same base date, regardless of whether they are late or early. The active period is repeatedly added to the base date until the first future date is discovered. Over the span of several recertifications, this option will prevent the expiry date from drifting forwards or backwards.

Set the Certification active period to 1 year and the active period and rectification window to the same value depending on how long you want to let users re certify before the expiry (as small as possible probably)

There is some more detailed explanation on here a bit complex but think these options sound right. There is always the certification completion editor that can be used to adjust things if this isn't quite right.

