Totara Learn Open Discussions

Organisation Hierarchy vs. Audience

Carol Papish-Putnam
Organisation Hierarchy vs. Audience
بواسطة Monday, 23 September 2019, 7:45 AM - Carol Papish-Putnam

Good morning all.  As part of our Totara setup (in progress), we have added Custom Fields to our HR Import user.csv file for Organization Code, Region Code, Department Code, etc. so we could setup Audiences according to that information.  Now, however, we are thinking it might be more efficient to implement Organisation Hierarchies (also through HR Import).  I would appreciate hearing from anyone who is using Organizations in their Totara implementation and also from anyone who considered using Organizations but decided to use Audiences instead.  Thanks in advance.  Carol.

John Wiles
Re: Organisation Hierarchy vs. Audience
بواسطة Monday, 23 September 2019, 8:30 AM - John Wiles

We use both organizational hierarchy and audiences in our implementation.  Putting those kinds of custom fields in the organizations file, and then assigning the organization through job assignments. We also do both dynamic and set audiences, with some dynamic audiences building from job assignments and the fields in that file to determine the members.