Totara Learn Open Discussions

Upload audience members?

Upload audience members?
BradleyCarla 发表于 2019年10月19日 Saturday 17:13

Is there any way to upload audience members from csv?


2019年10月22日 Tuesday 16:20
Al KurdiAyman
Re: Upload audience members?
Al KurdiAyman 发表于 2019年10月22日 Tuesday 20:14
小组 Partners

You could add users to an audience via the upload users function. You can only add them to a SET audience though, not dynamic

https://your Totara install/admin/tool/uploaduser/index.php

The CSV will need to have the following minimum columns


learner1,audience ID one,Audience ID two

In the Upload type, change it to update existing users only so it doesn't make any changes to the user details.

If the audience does not exist, it will create it. If it does exist by the Audience ID, then it will assign the user to it


Re: Upload audience members?
BradleyCarla 发表于 2019年10月23日 Wednesday 05:52

Best news ever, thank you! I literally can't wait to try this.

We have many reasons to upload. It would be for static audiences. Right now, it's to enroll users into a program, and these users have no position or completed course date (or any other thing a dynamic audience can be built off of).

Today, I wanted to build an audience based on course completion, but it's a course completion that's in historicial tables, not current. From what I can tell, the course completion criterion in audiences only looks at current tables. So, I wanted to export the historical completions and put them in an audience.

Re: Upload audience members?
MitipeloLarry 发表于 2020年01月16日 Thursday 13:08
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Hi Carla,

I just wanted to say thanks to you for raising this as I wanted to do the exact same thing.

And thanks to Ayman for provinding the answer. I've tried it and it appears to work so all good.
