We use OpenSesame courses in Totara 11.7. OpenSesame has been informing us of a change to Chrome (Release 80) that will disallow posts to external URLs to happen when the browser is closing or navigating away (https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5989473649164288). As a result, courses which are authored to be marked complete on-exit or posting data to an external URL may no longer save progress or report as complete. Will Totara be affected by this?
Totara Learn Open Discussions
Impact of Chrome 80
Hi Sarah,
In short, yes, that Totara sites using SCORM may be affected by this.
How many, and to what degree we can't say.
What I can tell you is that there are SCORM packages out there that save users progress when the user leaves the SCORM either by closing the window or navigating away.
The SCORM API within Totara uses synchronous requests when communicating with the server. Within Chrome presently these lead to a warning in the console, however with the future release of Chrome 80 we can expect these requests to start failing.
The October monthly releases of Totara will be made available within the next day or two and contain a fix for this.
Totara now watches for the page unload events and ensures that all requests back to the server after one of these events start occurs using the navigation.sendBeacon() method, providing that is available.
This works around the limitation within Chrome using the method they recommend.
The link you shared for Chrome appears to be a different issue.
https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/4664843055398912 I believe is the link to the relevant issue.