Totara Learn Open Discussions

Managing by Organisation

John Wiles
Managing by Organisation
door John Wiles - Tuesday, 29 October 2019, 08:45 AM

We're running into a situation where we might need to manage a group of users by their organisation.  We have about 285 users that need access to manage users outside the scope of our current setup. The current setup is limited to one job assignment (through HR Import) per user.

I'm thinking the best way to do this would be to setup a new organisation framework, and assign each user to an appropriate organisation in it. 

It would probably also have to be done outside HR Import as well  so that we don't interfere with the main org.

Before doing any of that, is it possible to allow the users, mentioned above, the ability to maintain their current manager/learner roles and tack on the ability to do the same for an entire organisation unit without interfering with the current HR Import process.

Craig Eves
Re: Managing by Organisation
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 31 October 2019, 19:05 PM
Groep Totara

Hi John

This sounds a bit like multi tenancy that has some supporting features in Totara - we are also currently working on more features around this that will help in the future.

I am not sure why you need to keep the organisations separate in the HR Import - is there conflict with organsiation names.

John Wiles
Re: Managing by Organisation
door John Wiles - Thursday, 31 October 2019, 20:56 PM

The primary reason they need to be separate is that some of these users are existing managers through our implementation of HR Import, and if we try to make them managers at higher level of the same organisation we run into the management loop problem. We currently limit HR Import to one job assignment per user.

We're needing to keep the hierarchy defined through the HR system as it is, and at the same time give this subset of users the ability to function as everyone's manager.

So my thoughts were along the lines of: 

1. Setup a new organisation hierarchy and put everyone in it but taking these 285 users out of their assigned places and putting them at the top of the hierarchy.


2. Setup system roles that would assign a role to the limited users through a set audience that would allow them to operate as everyone's manager, but restrict the access to move around people in courses or edit course events, while allowing monitoring of  training completions.  We were thinking of adding a new role(s) that would allow this, but our understanding is that the permissions aren't that finely tuned to be able to do that.

Hopefully this makes sense. We're running v11.2.

Craig Eves
Re: Managing by Organisation
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 3 November 2019, 15:47 PM
Groep Totara

Hi John

Thanks for the explanation.

I think using permissions to allow users to act as everyone's manager and assigning these by audience is a good option. There are a few hundred  permissions so fine control can be applied to the role.

There are permissions to  enrol user, manage user enrolments, unenrol users from the course , add attendees to seminar event, remove attendees from seminar event that should provide most of the functions required.
