Totara Learn Open Discussions

Recertification query

Miranda Kofoed
Recertification query
על ידי Miranda Kofoed בתאריך 7/11/2019, 12:55


We’re interested in using the recertification functionality next year as a way of our learners to complete mandatory online modules every two years.

The main consideration for us is what if people don’t complete the recertification by the due date which is highly likely no matter how much lead time we give them.

The issue I’ve identified through testing is that if a person completes their recertification after the due date, the learner skips a recertification period/term which we don’t want. For example, if the recertification window opens on 1 October 2020 and the due date is 31 October 2020, if a learner completes the recertification after 31 October 2020 eg 5 November 2020, the next due date for their recertification is 31 October 2024 not 31 October 2022.

The question then becomes how do we manage those people who are non-compliant?

One option might be that non-compliant learners are then added to a separate program and are given a specific time to complete their courses. Once complete, they are manually marked as complete in the recertification program (within the completion window eg 1 October – 31 October 2020) to ensure they are picked up in the next recertification period like everyone else.

Interested if anyone has any ideas and how they use the recertification functionality.

Nathan Harris
Re: Recertification query
על ידי Nathan Harris בתאריך 7/11/2019, 13:43

Not sure if this will help or not.

In the Certification tab, in the Recertification date field we choose the option 'Use certification date'.  That way no matter when the learner completes their recertification the expiry date is two years away.  So in your example, the learner completes on the 5th November 2020 the next due date will be 5th November 2022.