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Suggestion Forum Improvement

Its me Rahul
Suggestion Forum Improvement
بواسطة Wednesday, 27 November 2019, 7:43 AM - Rahul Kumar

Hi Community Team, 

It is difficult to find a correct thread related with problem in the forum.

When I used advanced search and show all the release note and forum discussion and when I search on google chrome  it only show the help documentation link and not forum link but when I search something on moodle it also show forum link on google search.

My suggestion is to something like moodle 

Separate the search in different topic such

Quiz forum

Theme Forum

Certificate forum 

and all user can ask the question in the desire forum  

Thanking you 


Rachel Griffith-Boyes
Re: Suggestion Forum Improvement
بواسطة Wednesday, 27 November 2019, 8:31 AM - Rachel Griffith-Boyes
مجموعة Totara

Hi Rahul,

Thanks for getting in touch with this suggestion. The difference between and the Totara Community is that we require users to log in to our site. Pages that sit behind a login can't be indexed by Google which is why you can't search for Community forum posts using Google. It's a great suggestion though and it is something we've looked into. 

You mention the release notes coming up when you use the Search forums feature. A tip here is to use the Advanced search and ask the search NOT to include 'release notes'. This should remove those posts from the list and make your search results easier to view and find what you're looking for.

A screenshot of the Advanced search field with the field These words should NOT be included highlighted.

Hope that helps!


Its me Rahul
Re: Suggestion Forum Improvement
بواسطة Friday, 6 December 2019, 12:58 AM - Rahul Kumar

Hi Boyes,

Thanks for your reply.

Yes mostly I am using the advanced search option but many time I have ended up with no solution of issue after spending 2-3 hours and mostly when in search on google such  how to stop user unenroled  himself from course in moodle it directly show the solution.

I would really appreciate, if totara team can consider to improve the search in forum and categories forum discussion based on topic such Quiz forum, Seminar Forum, Assignment forum, Theming Forum etc. It will also reduce the work of totara support help desk.

Note - Totara Help Documentation is really help full most of the  times to understand how things work.  

Have a nice day 



Rachel Griffith-Boyes
Re: Suggestion Forum Improvement
بواسطة Monday, 9 December 2019, 8:15 AM - Rachel Griffith-Boyes
مجموعة Totara

Thanks for your reply Rahul. We've previously discussed putting forums in categories, and in fact, we used to have a greater number of forums. However we found that most people just posted their question in the first forum, so this made it more confusing because things ended up in the 'wrong' place. We also had feedback that people might find it difficult to know where to post their question if they don't know Totara that well. I think there are pros and cons to both approaches. As you say, optimal search is important to making this work. 

We're always interested in hearing feedback from the Community though, so I'd be interested to see if anyone else has an opinion on this.