Totara Learn Open Discussions

Learning plans not showing progress on status bar

Learning plans not showing progress on status bar
SudburyJacki 发表于 2019年11月28日 Thursday 03:08

We have assigned learners, as a set audience, to a programme.  For approximately half of these learners, their progress is showing on the status bar within their learning plans.  For the other half it is showing 0% (even though they have completed some learning which is showing when you drill down to their Record of Learning).  Has anyone had similar issues and how have you rectified them?

Craig Eves
Re: Learning plans not showing progress on status bar
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2019年11月28日 Thursday 17:08
小组 Totara

Hi Jacki

The progress bar for programs has been enhanced in v12 so course set progression is included. Before this version only a course set that was fully completed counted towards the completion for a program.

Does this explain why the program progress bar is showing no progress in your case?
