Totara Learn Open Discussions

View heirarchy?

Carla Bradley
View heirarchy?
par Carla Bradley, Monday 2 December 2019, 10:19

Is there a way to view the entire heirarchy starting with a particular individual?

For intance, if you have a scenario where "A" manages "B," "B" manages "C," and "C" manages "D", can I get a listing of everyone who either directly or indirectly reports to "B?"

I hope that makes sense!

Craig Eves
Re: View heirarchy?
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Monday 2 December 2019, 14:53
Groupe Totara

Hi Carla

There isn't really a report that will provide this information.

The Users report source allows you to show the user who is logged in direct and indirect reports through the setting in the Content tab. If you login as a user then their direct and indirect (2 levels down) are able to be shown in the report.

The Job assignments report source lets you query by manager or user and the user's manager to display.
