Totara Learn Open Discussions

Face to Face activity completion

Patricia Houghton
Re: Face to Face activity completion
بواسطة Thursday, 19 December 2019, 8:26 AM - Patricia Houghton
مجموعة Partners

We have been struggling with this as well.  We have a report from the source:  Record of Learning: Previous Course Completions.  we have found that the report is not including any seminar activity completions in the number shown of previous completions.

This is a problem for us because we use a single course to document a variety of topics presented as weekly seminars.  For example 1 hour of Ethics training - with weekly topics being:  Gifts to employees, Political activities in the workspace, etc.

The Record of Learning display to the user also fails to depict this information.  We feel that at one point, earlier in the year that this functioned as expected but we cannot pinpoint a time that it stopped working.