Totara Learn Open Discussions

Links and colors - question

? ?
Links and colors - question
door ? ? - Wednesday, 11 December 2019, 00:36 AM

Hi there, 

I have an issue with link-colors in my solution. 

Have set the following: 

Visited link colour = blue

Link colour = black

I want the links to turn blue when while you are visiting the link - and go back to default black after you move to the next link/page. 

Is this possible? (now its turn blue when you click the link and stays blue when you move to the next page)

Alex Carrick
Re: Links and colors - question
door Alex Carrick - Thursday, 19 December 2019, 14:26 PM
Groep Partners

Hey Andreas!

What I think you're looking for is an 'active link' color. This is a little bit outside my area of expertise, but I think what you would want to do is remove the visited link color (so all links appear black), and then set an active link color (so only the page you're on shows in blue).

This might be helpful: