Totara Learn Open Discussions

Reporting in Totara

Allison Soo
Re: Reporting in Totara
par Allison Soo, Thursday 21 January 2021, 17:54

Hi George,

I would like to find out one thing about the save search from you.

I have a course custom field to store the customer of the course and I use it to filter the course data for different customer. When I create a save search with filter apply, let say customer = 'companyA' and display the save search to the companyA in the Report Table block. There is a link 'view full report' displayed in the Report table. When customerA view this full report, he/she can see the 'customer' filter and use it to generate and view report of other customer.

How could I hide the 'full view report' or any way I could disable/hide the filter from the report viewer?

Any tips is much appreciated. Thanks

Best regards,
