Totara Learn Open Discussions

Add custom filter to grid catalog

? ?
Add custom filter to grid catalog
de ? ? - Monday, 17 de February de 2020, 01:17

Hello Community!

i need to create a custom filter in the grid catalog which should be displayed in the sidebar. I read the documentation on extending the grid catalog. But I still don't know whats the proper filestructure to create a new filter. 

Is there a decent way to do so?

My filter should sort tags by there restrictions (audience, organisation, position). I have a plugin which adds those restriction to each tag in a new database table. 

Greetings Max. 

Nikhil Bansal
Re: Add custom filter to grid catalog
de Nikhil Bansal - Tuesday, 2 de June de 2020, 02:05
Grupo Partners

Found any way? What documentation are you using? 


Chris Snyder
Re: Add custom filter to grid catalog
de Chris Snyder - Thursday, 4 de June de 2020, 20:25
Grupo Totara

Hi Max,

You may have already found this, but the existing filters offer a pretty good template to use for creating your own. 

You can find the filters for courses (for example) in course/classes/totara_catalog/filter_factory

