Totara Learn Open Discussions

Seminar Custom Fields

? ?
Seminar Custom Fields
di ? ? - Friday, 21 February 2020, 06:03


We have placed a custom field in the Seminar Sign-up areas asking for Dietary Requirements. In one of the notification we want to confirm it so need to reference it.  I can see that when we want to reference other custom fields for example in the Room area (custom field:  Location1) we just need the following:




I have tried many variations of the above with the Sign-up custom field without any luck.

Additionally is there a way to generate a URL for the course that the seminar is part of. 


Pete r

Craig Eves
Re: Seminar Custom Fields
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 24 February 2020, 11:23
Gruppo Totara

Hi Peter

It isn't possible to include custom fields for signup in Seminar notifications. 

There is a feature request TL-8316 that you can add your support to.


? ?
Re: Seminar Custom Fields
di ? ? - Thursday, 27 February 2020, 03:20

thanks Craig - that is what I suspected