Totara Learn Open Discussions

Seminar Booking Appearing Twice in Upcoming Events

Sue Blake
Seminar Booking Appearing Twice in Upcoming Events
על ידי Sue Blake בתאריך 24/02/2020, 03:02
קבוצה Good learner 2023קבוצה Most Helpful Contributor 2022קבוצה Most helpful contributor 2023קבוצה TXP Site Administratorקבוצה V18 Program Complete

The upcoming events block appears to show bookings twice which is confusing our learners (see example below) if I have the seminar settings Calendar Options set to Course or Site.  They see this on the events block and think they have booked twice (which obviously they haven't).  The only way I can stop this from happening is by changing the Calendar Display settings to None.   Is it normal that this should happen or am I doing something wrong?  Just wondering what impact it may have if I set all my seminar events Calendar Options to None.  Any advice or guidance would be appreciated. 


Craig Eves
Re: Seminar Booking Appearing Twice in Upcoming Events
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 24/02/2020, 15:30
קבוצה Totara

Hi Sue

Can you try unticking the Calendar options setting in Seminars 'Show entry on user's calendar'  

When active this setting adds a User Event entry to the calendar of an attendee of a seminar event. When turned off this prevents a duplicate event appearing in an event attendee's calendar, where you have calendar display settings set to Course or Site.

Hopefully that will work.


Sue Blake
Re: Seminar Booking Appearing Twice in Upcoming Events
על ידי Sue Blake בתאריך 25/02/2020, 06:34
קבוצה Good learner 2023קבוצה Most Helpful Contributor 2022קבוצה Most helpful contributor 2023קבוצה TXP Site Administratorקבוצה V18 Program Complete

Hi Craig, that is great, I've read the information pop up for Show entry on user's calendar and it sounds like that is exactly what I need to do.

I had sought advice through another source but this wasn't mentioned.
