Totara Learn Open Discussions

Declare Interest for New Seminars

Sue Blake
Declare Interest for New Seminars
by Sue Blake - Wednesday, 18 March 2020, 4:33 AM
Group Good learner 2023Group Most Helpful Contributor 2022Group Most helpful contributor 2023Group TXP Site AdministratorGroup V18 Program Complete

Hi All 

I am about to launch a new suite of training courses but do not have seminar dates for them yet.  We use the Declare Interest Function but can't seem to get the Declare Interest option to appear on the main course page.  If I create a dummy seminar in the past it does appear.  It seems Declare Interest is linked to the View All Events info, but I've not got any previous events. 

I'm having to change my normal course instructions because of this.  Is this an issue that has been raised before?


Craig Eves
Re: Declare Interest for New Seminars
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 19 March 2020, 6:42 PM
Group Totara

Hi Sue

This sounds like the issue fixed in the February 2020 release TL-23647 

Fixed 'Declare interest' functionality when a user is booked onto a past event

                   Previously a "When no upcoming events are available" option is enabled for
                   Seminar, the "Declare interest" functionality worked for no upcoming events
                   and no past events if a user is booked onto a past event. Now it is fixed
                   and the user can declare interest if there are no upcoming events and the
                   user booked onto past events.
Upgrading to this release should fix this.