Totara Learn Open Discussions

Removing old goals?

Tomas Trijonis
Removing old goals?
על ידי Tomas Trijonis בתאריך 20/03/2020, 01:00

Hi, I noticed that after changing audience or organisation, the goal stays as shown:

Is it possible to delete these goals automatically? I don't want each user to go into their goals and remove each one manually. I prefer if there was some setting to not keep old goals, or a scheduled task to remove them.

Any ideas are appreciated.

Craig Eves
Re: Removing old goals?
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 22/03/2020, 16:20
קבוצה Totara

Hi Tomas

If the goals have been assigned to the user through a group such as audience or organisation, then you should be able to unassign the goal to all assigned by deleting the assignment for each goal

Site administration>Goals>Manage goals >goal framework


Tomas Trijonis
Re: Removing old goals?
על ידי Tomas Trijonis בתאריך 23/03/2020, 06:37
Hi Craig,

However this will unassign the goal from ALL the users, so also ones still belonging to the organisation/audience, will it not? If the user changed organisations, why does he keep the goal from his old organisation? The goal here is to have it switch for this one user, not unassign the goal from the entire org.

Craig Eves
Re: Removing old goals?
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 23/03/2020, 15:14
קבוצה Totara

Hi Tomas

Yes that will unassign all users in the group - I can't think of a way just to unassign a few users from the group. 

This isn't one of the HR Import sources so this isn't possible through this either unfortunately.
