Totara Learn Open Discussions

Set a time or date in a set of courses inside a programm

Albert Villalonga Muncunill
Set a time or date in a set of courses inside a programm
door Albert Villalonga Muncunill - Wednesday, 1 April 2020, 08:58 AM


I open this topic in relation with the configuration of a program, as I have a question related with the time completion. Let's say that inside a programm, there is a set of courses that I want to open it in an exact date (ie, 12 of April) and before this date, cannot be available. There is this option when you are configuring the programm? Mainly I'm asking because when I configure the programm, cannot see the option to put some time restrictions.

Thank you!

Craig Eves
Re: Set a time or date in a set of courses inside a programm
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 2 April 2020, 17:37 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Albert

There is only fixed date available on a program level rather than a course set level.

If you could put users in a audience through a rule then you can use audience based visibility with a date rule so the courses are only visible to members of the audience.

Alternatively you could split each course set into its own program and make the second program only able to be enrolled in by people who have completed the first program through audiences. You can add an Available From date for the second program.
