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Tuesday, 14 April 2020, 11:38 PM
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Carla Bradley
Re: Custom User Profiles
by Carla Bradley - Wednesday, 15 April 2020, 5:37 AM
Hi Chloe :)

We have extensively customized the user profile page. We have removed at least 8 of the fields from visibility.

The reason is our HR import data. For anyone who is working with an HR system that is enormous (entire state government) and old,  there are bound to be some fields that aren't exactly correct, or use some sort of coded entry that end users don't understand.

End users calling to complain, for instance, that their education level was incorrect, began to become a significant burden on our small help desk, so we hid the problematic fields. Admins can still see them, but not our users.

Hope this helps!


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Wednesday, 15 April 2020, 4:13 PM
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Carla Bradley
Re: Custom User Profiles
by Carla Bradley - Wednesday, 15 April 2020, 6:41 PM

Not for us. We are very admin-centric :) and don't like the uncertaintly of users customizing their own profiles. But I'm sure some organizations would love it.

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Wednesday, 15 April 2020, 7:13 PM
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Re: Custom User Profiles
by David Shaw - Friday, 17 April 2020, 1:24 AM

I'm pretty sure we have never allowed a client to edit their profile page


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Sunday, 19 April 2020, 4:35 PM
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