Totara Learn Open Discussions

הדיון בפורום זה הוסר

Craig Eves
Re: Recording grades in Totara for an Articulate Rise course
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 20/04/2020, 17:39
קבוצה Totara

Hi John

One thing that can be done to prevent a user from exiting out of Totara and losing progress rather than exiting the SCORM is to select New window (simple) this means only the SCORM controls show so can exit and save the score.

The Force new attempt setting will mean that the progress of a previous attempt will be lost.

There may be a setting in the Rise quiz that is not allowing a new attempt to be recorded - can you confirm that the attempts work Ok in Rise outside of Totara.

If this doesn't help then can you get your Partner to create a support ticket and attach a copy of the SCORM and settings used.
