Totara Learn Open Discussions

Sign Up Workflow - course held within a certification

Deborah Jackson
Sign Up Workflow - course held within a certification
על ידי Deborah Jackson בתאריך 22/04/2020, 00:29


Please could someone help me with this setting. 

If I have unlimited sign ups and tick the boxes:

  • Attended/failed
  • No show

Leaving the attended/passed tick box unticked, will students be able to sign up to another event when their certification becomes due, or do I also need to tick the attended/passed box to enable this to happen?

Sorry, I've renamed the boxes, attended/failed was previously partial attendance, or something like that.



Craig Eves
Re: Sign Up Workflow - course held within a certification
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 23/04/2020, 18:59
קבוצה Totara

Hi Debbie

What happens for sign-ups depends on the settings in the Signup workflow

It is possible to restrict subsequent signups based on a previous seminar status and it is also possible to specify the number of signups allowed.
