Totara Learn Open Discussions

Free SCORM module on responding to Climate Change customisable for Totara users

? ?
Free SCORM module on responding to Climate Change customisable for Totara users
by ? ? - Wednesday, 22 April 2020, 8:11 PM

If you're interested in doing something about climate change, I have something you may be interested in! 

I have built a New Zealand focussed SCORM eLearning package (Storyline) about climate change that covers what your organisation is doing (if anything) and what your staff can do as individuals and New Zealanders to get real change moving. It's easily customised and I'm offering it for free if your organisation can't pay for it. It's a top-notch bit of eLearning worth every cent but I care about getting the important messages out more than the money when budgets and paperwork may stand in the way of action. 

If you've worried about climate change, here's a chance to take a crack at effecting real change across all the people in your organisation. That's huge, that's so much bigger than doing your individual bit. When an organisation doesn't mind paying people for their fifteen minutes of attention on this massive and important topic, we have such a wonderful opportunity to effect real change - and I've made achieving this as easy as I possibly can. All I need is you to be curious to check out my demo, and if you like it, work with me to make it yours and help your people see it. Please consider it and let me know what you think. Let's do our bit to save the world and all that.

(Admins - I read the guidelines and took that it'd be OK to post this but if you need to delete it, my apologies - I don't mean to overstep).