Totara Learn Open Discussions

Assign a dynamic audience on users start/join date

Brooke Jacobs
Assign a dynamic audience on users start/join date
von Brooke Jacobs – Saturday, 13 June 2020, 7:44 PM
Gruppe PartnersGruppe TXP Site AdministratorGruppe V18 Program Complete

Hi everyone,

I am trying to find a way to assign a dynamic audience to a user based on their start date/join date. 

I have been looking at the rulesets and can see options such as "users joined date is on/after xyz" or "before". What I am after is something like "do not add users to this audience until their start date has reached/passed". 

Is this something that is available in totara v12? Or a work around? 

We have existing users on the LMS who start date is in the future and we do not want them assigned to this dynamic audience until then. 

Craig Eves
Re: Assign a dynamic audience on users start/join date
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Sunday, 14 June 2020, 3:40 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Brooke

I think that one of the rules that is relative to the current date would work

The rule start date before previous 0 days would add users from today through to days in the past to the audience. 

The user would still be in the audience tomorrow as the start date is more than 0 days before today.
