Totara Learn Open Discussions

Course completion for old and new version of a course

Clive Massyn
Course completion for old and new version of a course
MassynClive 发表于 2020年06月18日 Thursday 20:27

Hi guys, 

We have a fraud awareness course (older) and a newer version. Some staff have completed the old and new course. We are trying to create a report that shows course completion but we only want the report to show a person once. Eg if I have completed the old and new course my name needs to be in the report and showing the new course completed (we don't care then if you have also done the old course).

Basically the report needs to show those that have done the new course or the old course and if you have done both we only want the report to show that you have done the new course.   

I thought of trying to create audiences to capture this but although the persons name will only appear once in the audience the report will still say 'show me everyone that has completed both course' and then the person will appear twice because they have completed both.

Hopefully that makes sense?  

Craig Eves
Re: Course completion for old and new version of a course
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2020年06月21日 Sunday 17:54
小组 Totara

Hi Clive

Have you tried using report aggregating by course name with the users name as first column and completion status as the third column.

This will show just the one record for the same completion status for the two courses if you choose aggregation comma separated values without duplicates.


Clive Massyn
Re: Course completion for old and new version of a course
MassynClive 发表于 2020年06月22日 Monday 13:49

Hi Craig, 

Thanks for the suggestion. So it seems its a bit more complicated. The fraud course has 2 different names Fraud New & Fraud Archive. The report actually needs to show not only if you have completed one or the other but also who hasn't completed a fraud module at all or only started etc... tracking compliance really.

It seems like we will need to refine the report as much as possible but we may still need to manually tidy up the report a bit?

Craig Eves
Re: Course completion for old and new version of a course
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2020年06月22日 Monday 17:33
小组 Totara

Hi Clive

The courses that haven't been completed will also show separately in this report in the 'is complete?' column with No. The courses with different names should show with , between each.

If you need to group the data more for example  by organisation then exporting the report and using a spreadsheet will give you more control of grouping, calculations and appearance.


Re: Course completion for old and new version of a course
KappusJuergen 发表于 2021年03月10日 Wednesday 19:46

Just an idea on this - not 100% knowing if you will have success. Have you tried to put both couses into 1 program and connecting them with an "or" rule? 

Even if the courses are already done by the learners it could be possible to enrol them to the program and track the program completion.

Clive Massyn
Re: Course completion for old and new version of a course
MassynClive 发表于 2021年04月8日 Thursday 18:14

Hi Juergen, 

Thanks for the suggestion - I might gibe that a go and see what we get.

PS apologies for the late response - I didn't get a notification of your post.