Totara Learn Open Discussions

Minimum Active Period Certifications

Anna Sams
Minimum Active Period Certifications
di Anna Sams - Monday, 29 June 2020, 15:00


I have been reading up on certifications with fixed expiry dates and I am hoping for a recommendation. I'll describe what we are trying to do as well as I can. 

We are assigning an audience to a certification now with a due date of Dec 31, 2020, and an active period of 1 year (so their certification will expire on Dec. 31, 2021). However, I am getting lost on the minimum active period. I was thinking to set it to 6 months, but it would be great if you can evaluate the scenarios presented below and let me know if I understand correctly how it works: 


Fixed Due date to certify: Dec. 31, 2021

Active period: 1 year

Minimum active period: 6 months

Learner 1 completes: February 28, 2021

Learner 2 completes: July 30, 2021

Since Learner 1's completion date is before the 6 month minimum active period, this learner will be prompted to re-certify again on Dec. 31, 2021.

Since Learner 2's completion date is within the 6 month minimum active period, the re-certification due date will be bumped forward 1 whole active period to Dec. 31, 2022.

Let me know if I have it right, or if you have a better suggestion for how to set this up!

Thank you!

Re: Minimum Active Period Certifications
di George Angus - Monday, 29 June 2020, 19:06
Gruppo Totara

Hi Anna,

We think 6 months Minimum Active Period is about right for a recert of a year. If it was 9 months then people could complete in September, then again the following December - a bit close, similarly if it was 3 months and they went over then it would be 20 months before they had to redo.

Please let us know if anything is unclear or you have any further questions.



Anna Sams
Re: Minimum Active Period Certifications
di Anna Sams - Monday, 29 June 2020, 20:30

Thank you for following up and for the recommendation!

I think I understand, but just to be sure, can you clarify the examples of 9 months and 3 months you gave? I had thought that if this was set to 9 months with a due date at Dec 31, 2020, and someone completed in September 2020, that they would be active until Dec 31 2021 since their completion was within 9 months before their due date. Maybe I have it backwards?

Re: Minimum Active Period Certifications
di George Angus - Monday, 29 June 2020, 21:18
Gruppo Totara

Hi Anna,

Apologies - I got confused reading the examples in the Help. 

Ive asked our technical writers to explain a little more and simplify!

Here's the kicker -

'If a user completes their certification and there is less than this amount of time until it would be due to expire, the expiry date is pushed forward by another whole active period'.

So yes - the 9 months would push it forward another year if completed by September.



Anna Sams
Re: Minimum Active Period Certifications
di Anna Sams - Tuesday, 30 June 2020, 10:54

Thank you!

One last question (I hope)...

Say the minimum active period is set to 6 months, and new courses are added to the certification within the 6 month minimum active period. When the new courses are added, all currently complete users are then set to incomplete until they finished these new courses. When they complete the new courses within the 6 month minimum active period, and are marked as complete again for the certification, with their expiry date be pushed out another active period, even though they didn't re-take the old courses that were set to expire?

I hope that makes sense, happy to clarify. 

Re: Minimum Active Period Certifications
di George Angus - Tuesday, 30 June 2020, 16:28
Gruppo Totara

Hey Anna,

'When the new courses are added, all currently complete users are then set to incomplete until they finished these new courses'.

This doesn't happen!

See here:

Changing or removing courses in an active certification

If the initial certification path is changed for an active certification, this will not remove the certification completions for users who have already completed it.

Once a user is marked as certified any changes you make to the path will not affect their certification and it will remain as complete. Once the user reaches the re-certification window open point, the completion will be archived and the user will need to complete the re-certification path.

Only newly assigned users or users with a status of in progress will be affected by these changes and these users will need to complete the certification based on the changes to the content.

The reasoning here is the Learners are given a clear understanding of what is required of them when they are initially assigned to the cert.

Changes can be made to the recert path, but any changes only take effect after certification.

Let us know if you have any further queries or are unclear about anything.

