Totara Learn Open Discussions

Webinar - Top tips for Course Creators

? ?
Webinar - Top tips for Course Creators
by ? ? - Wednesday, 1 July 2020, 7:31 PM
Unfortunately this webinar is occurring at 1am for me, therefore I was wanting to know if it is being recorded.
Matt Linaker
Re: Webinar - Top tips for Course Creators
by Matt Linaker - Thursday, 2 July 2020, 12:05 AM
Group Totara

Hi Caisha, 

Sorry for the time difference here. We record all of our webinars and they are available on demand here. 

The webinar Top Tips for Course Creators will be available as a recording the next day. 

Are there any other topics that you'd really like to learn about? 

? ?
Re: Webinar - Top tips for Course Creators
by ? ? - Thursday, 2 July 2020, 3:36 PM

Thanks Matt, that will be fantastic.

I will have a look through the other recorded webinars.