Totara Learn Open Discussions


Karen Stephenson
by Karen Stephenson - Tuesday, 30 June 2020, 11:52 PM


Totara 11.

Looking for some ideas on how to update our LMS due to Covid 19 we have had to suspend training for 6 months.

This has had a knock on effect on our certifications, any ideas on how to implement this in the certifications?

We need to extend all certifications for 6 months without amending the date of attendance.

We have created a new certifiaction and imported the certification with a due dae 6 months later however when

the cron runs this reverts back to 12months. Is the only solution to recreate the certification with 18 months and revert to 12 months at a

 later date.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks Karen :)

Re: Certification
by George Angus - Wednesday, 1 July 2020, 7:29 PM
Group Totara
Hey Karen,

Are you suspending the whole site - are users logging in and still taking courses?



Karen Stephenson
Re: Certification
by Karen Stephenson - Thursday, 2 July 2020, 12:32 AM


Our site is still live and used for online learning during this period by all users.

Tom Ireland
Re: Certification
by Tom Ireland - Thursday, 2 July 2020, 9:04 AM
Group Totara

Hey, Karen.

Thanks for getting in touch. The scenario you mentioned is a bit of a tricky one.

If users have completed the certification and on the recertification path, the due date is calculated automatically based on the recertification details and cannot be changed by amending the due date unless you use the certification completion editor or an individual user requests an extension.

Changes made to the recertification period only take effect following the subsequent completion, so changing this would not achieve what you want in this case, unfortunately.

In this case, you could update the due dates for users assigned via a grouping method e.g. an audience, and for those newly assigned users it would push the date forward, however, for those who have already completed the certification, they would need to be manually updated using the certification completion editor. If you have a large number of users, this could be a laborious task to complete! :(

The only way to achieve it would be as you mentioned and that would be to create a new certification with the extended due date. Any existing course completions should trigger certification completions that would put users on the relevant paths with the extended due dates. There is a caveat, though. If the courses added to the certification are used in the original certification, you will likely receive assignment exceptions when you assign the users. You can override the exceptions but I would be wary of this because if the window opens in the original certification for any users, the courses will be reset and it will have a knock-on effect for the newly created certification.

There is more information explaining the different behavioural scenarios surrounding assignment due dates and exceptions in our help documentation, which you might find useful.

As I say, it is a bit tricky due to the logic involved around how certifications work, although, being able to pause and/or extend due dates in existing certifications without any issues would be advantageous.

I would encourage you to flag this to your Totara Solutions Partner so they can provide you with some more support and submit an improvement on your behalf, which our Product team can review for potential future development.

Does that help at all?



Karen Stephenson
Re: Certification
by Karen Stephenson - Thursday, 2 July 2020, 11:47 PM


I have taken this up with our Totara partner who are currently looking into this for me, however I am on a tight timescale.


I think that the only way forward for us is to remove our certifications and re-build these.


Thanks everyone for your advice.